Flic Partner and Flic PIOC integration
I have implemented the Flic Poic framework into my iOS app for our custom Flic buttons but would also like to add the Partner framework (which has the same bundle name etc) as the Poic framework so I cannot add both. Is there a way I can use both frameworks so I can use Flic buttons and the Flic app alongside my app as well?
@jacques You are correct. On the iOS version of the PbF framework we decided to build in support for both PbF and Flic buttons in the same framework. This was done simply to avoid some problems with namespace clashes, as well as some other unwanted issues. On Android it was more straight forward so we could might as well keep them separated. If anyone want to use PbF + Flic on Android then they can just use both libraries without any issues.
Solved the issue. Looks like in iOS the framework includes new functions in the poic framework to grab buttons the same way the partner framework did back in version 1.
My problem was trying to include the old framework as well which is not needed. In Android its a different story which caused the confusion.