@joacim thanks for your reply. What you say makes sense since the smartphone manufacturer normally will not expect many concurrent Bluetooth connections to the phone. The RPi can support 10 concurrent connections so I will be using that.
Your IFTTT integration is horrible. Just simple IFTTT actions (do x when I double click button) takes up to an hour to work IF it works at all. I'm having to leave Flic, unfortunately because of the mess. Even the IFTTT recipes show it SHOULD work within an hour
.. AN HOUR. So disappointed. Notice the one hour message in IFTTT in pic attached.!0_1506228779054_Screenshot_20170923-195029.png
No there are no plans for triple click. We want to keep it simple.
To workaround latencies in Bluetooth, it's the button's firmware that generates the different click events.
If you implement our sdk you could implement a triple click handler yourself by listening to the button down/up events and figure out when a triple click has occurred. But it might not be accurate due to latencies.